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Mono Low Flow Metering Pump

The NOV Mono Low Flow Metering range has high tolerance to aggressive chemicals and a repeatability of ± 1%

Key specifications

  • Flows up to 1290 l/h
  • Pressure up to 24 bar


Designed for use where accurate, low flow dosing or transfer pumps are required for either intermittent or continuous dosing, the Low Flow Metering range has high tolerance to aggressive chemicals (0-14PH) and is backed by the renowned reliability of Mono and Moyno products. The pumps have a repeatability of ± 1%, and the gentle pumping action makes it ideal for pumping delicate, shear-sensitive products.

Products 2

Mono low flow metering pump

NOV Mono L_S

Capacity 1.29 m³/h
Pressure 24 bar

Mono low flow metering pump

NOV Mono L_P

Capacity 1.29 m³/h
Pressure 24 bar


AISI 316 L
Close, Long


Max. capacity
1290 l/h
Max. diff. press.
24 bar
Max. temperature
100 °C
Max. viscosity