Condition monitoring system for Flowserve split case pumps
Customer: “UPB Energy” Ltd
End User: “Latvenergo” SC
Location: Riga, Latvia
Year of installation: 2020
Project: Heat accumulation system at Riga CHPP-2.
Scope of Supply:
Implementation of SIEMENS SIPLUS CMS1200 condition monitoring system (CMS).
Case details:
In year 2019 company “Pumptechnique” were selected by general contractor as supplier of five process pumps for project “Creation of a heat storage system at CHPP-2, generating facility of Latvenergo AS”. High efficiency Flowserve LNN series split case pumps are delivered. Pumps were equipped with 110, 250 and 400 kW Siemens Simotics electric motors.
Condition monitoring system for all pumps were part of scope of supply. Due to electric motors and frequency converters were supplied by Siemens it was decided to implement also SIPLUS CMS1200 system.
Main objective for pump CMS were data transmission via Modbus TCP to Emerson Ovatio DCS.
Pumps were equipped with SITRANS TS500 temperature sensors and VIB-S01 vibration sensors on each bearing. Vibration sensors monitored also motor bearings. Motor bearing temperature data received from integrated PT100 sensors.
“Pumptechnique” created system consisted of two parts due to separated pump rooms in distance. Parts connected by 300m optical cable. Both system groups incorporate Siemens S7-1200 PLC and pump related SM1281 CMS modules. “Pumptechnique” built CMS ensured data transmittal to DCS, automatic pump stall (in case of preset values exceeded) as well as manual pump stop using Safe Torque Off functionality.
Web server pages of SM1281 CMS modules were configurated for detailed vibration analysis.