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Thermal Imaging Surveys

Thermal imaging is a useful tool for detecting equipment anomalies that can indicate potential problems. While thermal imaging equipment is becoming increasingly affordable, for correct analysis it is essential that the equipment is operated by a trained operative.

High temperatures in equipment are never good news. Large variations particularly across similar equipment performing the same duty are often indicators of a potential problem. By identifying these variations and evaluating the cause, breakdowns can be avoided.

Thermal imaging enables the non-destructive testing of machines, electrical assets and materials or systems through the imaging of the thermal patterns at the object’s surface.

AxFlow's engineers are qualified to IR Level 2 to carry out thermography to detect electrical and mechanical faults. We provide recommendations to clients as part of an integrated condition monitoring strategy or specifically to aid compliance or carry out ad-hoc infrared surveys.

If you decide to use thermal imaging as a part of your condition monitoring program then you will be able to swiftly identify developing faults. Leading to increased process uptime and reduction and potentially eliminating any serious fault developing.

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