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Chocolate is a surprisingly difficult substance to pump due to a unique combination of properties.

Pumping chocolate

Several factors related to chocolate's peculiar mixture of properties need to be considered when it comes to pumping it.

  • Chocolate is extremely sensitive to temperature; too hot and it will degenerate or even burn, too cold and it solidifies.
  • Chocolate's structure is delicate as the cocoa butter and cocoa solids can easily separate if subjected to high degrees of shear.
  • Chocolate can be abrasive.
  • Chocolate will coat the internal surfaces and sealing areas of a pump.
  • Not all chocolate products are the same and can have different viscosities, structures and may contain additional ingredients such as nuts, fruit and dairy products.
  • Many chocolate processes require hygienic certified designs.

Why axflow ?

AxFlow offer a range of Waukesha and Mouvex pumps that are phenomenal for the application of pumping chocolate; with our product ranges being EHEDG, EC and FDA certified.

Over 50 years of experience will ensure you receive the ideal product for you pumping needs.

Our Food & Beverages catalogue provides extensive information on hyegenic pumps that are applicable for pumping applications such as pumping chocolate.


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Pumping Chocolate - Not An Easy Job

An Overview of AxFlow's Approach to pump chocolate products

read more about pumping chocolate
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